Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

Sometimes it's hard to think...WHY Now?

Or even...Why me?

So I'm trying to re frame that in my head.  Thankfully I've always been an eternal optimist, might come in handy when coping with cancer, eh?

When I was diagnosed with stage 1b fallopian tube cancer, it was a shock.  I felt so healthy.  To now be facing chemo seemed...almost crazy.

I might have been a little mad too.  After working so hard on a long distance move, and now when we we're done, and enjoying our new home...cancer?


There is a huge silver lining in all this that I need to keep reminding myself.

According to my doctor, had I waited even 6 more months for this surgery, I would have been looking at a stage 3 to 4 tumor,

Which would have been FAR, FAR worse.

Actually only 15% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed in the early stages.


So very lucky.

So I will take my lemons and make some sweet lemonade....

Good thing I like lemons :)

1 comment:

  1. You sound so good! Keep the great Attitude! It does make a difference in your well being! So encouraging!
