Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hammer time...Treatment #1

Dave and I woke up early, ate some breakfast and let the dogs out.  Then made our way to the Cancer Center for my first treatment.  Upon arrival I got my blood drawn and then was placed in a chemo infusion room.  Nice cushy recliner, flat screen and...WIFI

I've arrived at this day with fear...mostly of side effects and of the word that shall not be mentioned (reoccurrence  Shhh!).  But I also arrive with hope and an amazing sense of adventure to see where this new path in life will take me.

So I decided to call Chemo days ...Hammer Time.  Because of the song and the period of my life it represents.

I also plan to hammer the shit out of this cancer too....

1st treatment picture picture featuring my new bff Roberta...the IV Pump.

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