Saturday, September 6, 2014

So far...So good

So I survived my 1st chemo treatment pretty well.  Probably the hardest part is getting through all of the amazing amount of teaching that goes on.  I've been home 2 days now, and as long as I take my meds I seem to be doing ok.  Currently I'm taking a steroid 2X a day and a anti nausea med 2X day with another in back up...just in case.  So what the heck?  I take that one too :)

As far side effects I have a little chemo brain going on.  Which basically means I can't remember what happened this is gone...

And everything seems a little foggy, not my vision per se, but in my brain it's a little like this

Just not QUITE all there!

And things taste a little different.  Like a little tinny.  Not bad yet.  But I can see how it could become a problem

So I'm taking it slow....

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you updated. I've been thinking a lot about you but didn't want to bombard you. And I'm glad you are feeling okay-ish. More and more hugs.
