How a Target Gift Card Saved My Life
Incredible but true..
I love me some Target and often joke it's a 50.00 cover charge for me to just walk in the store. So last fall when my employer offered a 25.00 gift card for filling out a health survey and going for a check up I jumped right in. Hey! that's half a shopping trip right there.
At my annual gyn appointment, my new doctor took a full history and then promptly referred me to our cancer genetics department. I figured it would be negative and then I could stop worrying and start shopping.
Au contraire.
Damn thing came back positive.
Then came more appointments and tests which all looked...within normal limits. Since I was 50 the gyn oncologist I saw, STRONGLY recommended removing my ovaries. Since I no longer needed them and was having hot flashes anyway, I made the date for the OR.
I had what I *thought* was preventative surgery. Well, I guess technically it was, since my fallopian tubes were plotting to kill me.
And it all started with a Target gift card.
AND...I received that gift card in the mail last week. Finally
Just in time to use it to buy supplies to get me through Chemo
Isn't it Ironic...don't ya think?